Community and Montreal Comiccon

A few weeks ago I attended Montreal Comiccon.  Now, while this wasn’t my first time at Comiccon I think I’d have to say it was my favourite, and not just because of my experience there, but by what happened afterwards.

Originally I was Gung-ho on purchasing a three-day pass, I went as far as downloading the app and scheduling in the panels I wanted to attend. Attending a panel is something I’ve never done. To be honest i usually geek out over video game booths and nostalgia while trying not to spend all money on mystery crates. I was successful In being miserly this year though I did come home with these sweet D20 Earrings.

I did not however end up getting my three-day pass, I played it safe.

I didn’t attend any panels either.

Some of you may be wondering why committing to a weekend long pass would be such a big thing for me. It’s not like i have long to travel, in fact, living downtown its only about 15 minutes by Metro. Well ladies and gentleman, as I may or may not have mentioned before now, in addition to severe procrastination I also suffer from Fibromyalgia. In the past few years my socializing and extra-curricular activities have been cut to a minimum.

Walking into Commicon that Friday I was struck with an immediate sense of wellbeing, wearing my Hogwarts jersey I was probably one of the most inconspicuous of the attendees. I had a natural smile on my face, I was relaxed, I was home. I was also for the first time there alone. I did meet up with friends, and later my husband, but for the first few hours I browsed, and fangirled, and soaked in the good vibes on my own.

I have to say that this year’s Commicon was one of the best put together that I’ve attended. The social Media was on point, The guests and panels interesting, and if I’d had the energy I definitely would have attended the Nerdesque workshop.

That being said, there was a particular draw for me this year.

Yes, the heroes of my youth, the voices of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask respectively, were present this year. While I didn’t have any questions I particularly wanted to ask them I was still disappointed when they weren’t by the booth when I stopped by. What I was really looking forward to was actually sitting in on their panel. I’ve always thought my chipmunk voice would be well suited to voice acting.

Unfortunately after a few hours of roaming my body curled in on itself and the night was over. I still had hope but I was pretty positive I would only be leaving the house to walk the dog tomorrow. I had the makings of a prophet. My saturday consisted of naps and getting some of my Old English homework done.

I have to say that I have some pretty great people in my life, and waking up to this video definatlely perked me up.


I’ve gotten pretty good and managing my symptoms and curtailing my disapointmet when I can’t do the things I used to do. One of the hardest things is dealing with the lack of understanding often exhibited by others. Shout out to Linda Ballantyne and Toby Proctor and the friends who reach out. It may seem like a small thing to you, but taking five minutes out of your day to cheer someone up or a gesture like this takes your mind off the pain.

So Thank you,

FS sufferor, Compressed Lower Spine and all.

Keep spreading the love people.

4 thoughts on “Community and Montreal Comiccon

  1. I’m sorry that your condition got in the way of enjoying more of your time there… I would have been SO bummed not to see the voice actors for SM if that was one of the main reasons I’d gone! (I can tell you I would have stood in line with you a couple hours to meet them, also with nothing to say, haha.) I -just- missed Comccon in Vancouver, but I hope I get to go next year.


  2. I hate to hear of your ailment. My mother suffered with that a few years back so I know a little about the pain you probably experience. Kudos to you for venturing out and although you didn’t get to meet your childhood heroes, how awesome to have the keepsake of a “shout out” from them!! Cool stuff!

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